Friday, April 11, 2008

Freestyle Chess

I have opted out of playing in the 8th Freestyle tournament starting this weekend. My decision not to play is entirely for personal reasons involving constraints upon my time and finances. The conditions the tournament is being played under this cycle are, in my opinion, very fair and equitable. We can be assured that the quality of chess will extremely high and I encourage everyone to fallow the games on the Playchess server. I would like to wish good luck to all the participants.

The defending champions Ibermax (Cato the Younger) must be considered the team to overcome if victory is to be obtained. Ibermax’s performance in the last tournament was impressive and I have the highest regard for the teams organizational skills and its members individual abilities.

Thanks to everyone that have assisted and contributed to my opening book project, most especially the book testers, without whom the quality of the public books would not be what they are. As always the book updates are available for free on my website

Also a big thanks to the websites that have linked to my site and or sent referrals. (Check these out)

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